Hub 6.21
LiveTiles Intranet Hub Version 6.21 has been released.
- Megamenu Manager: New admin panel for managing the Megamenu with the ability to create/edit nodes, assign permissions and view all Megamenu configurations.
- Matrix: Improved the Matrix Navigation functionality.
- Megamenu Manager: On close, Admins now get redirected to the Megamenu manager.
- Megamenu Manager: For each mega menu configuration an admin can assign users and groups to the editor role.
- Megamenu Manager: Editors can test the URL patterns which correspond to specific URL's.
- Matrix: Fixed an issue with the Matrix breadcrumb.
- Web: Resolved issue's with theming where colours were applied after pressing cancel.
- Web: Fixed issue's with accent colours where they reverted after save.
- Web: Resolved issue with user congigurable widget zones losing focus when clicked.
- Web: Resolved issue with the hero widget missing email parameters in Url.
- Megamenu: Resolved an issue with the Megamenu items not displaying under nodes on mobile.
- Megamenu: Fixed an issue with the Megamenu sub items missing on mobile.
- Megamenu: Fixed an issue with the Megamenu sub items not displaying in teams with Viva connections app.
- News Widget: Resolved an issue with the News widget where the UI was breaking when a confirm or alert box popped up on mobile.